Monday 1 October 2012

A MUST READ: The True Story Of My Life!

The story you are about to read is the true story of my personal life.

I was born exactly 52 years ago into a family of 57 children. I came into the family at a very strategic moment because it was at a time when my family suffered a lot of discrimination and ridicule from others members of the extended family as a result of our low standard of living.

I started growing up as strong and vibrant young man. Despite the size of my family, the whole family, including the extended family took note of me as I was growing up because I was so endowed. I was blessed to the extent that I became a figure of envy to my own siblings.

When most of them could not hold it any longer, they came and pitched their tent with me so they can depend on me for survival.

I gave birth to 7 strong children and we were all doing fine because we were just favoured.

In no time, I became a source of blessing to many of my siblings, and through me, my family started gaining more recognition and some more respect from the entire extended family. I became a philanthropist, accepting anybody who came to me for help, and everyone loved me so much because of what they were able to achieve through me.

At a point in my life, my story started to change. My wealth and fame had gotten into my head, so I started squandering my wealth on extremely frivolous lifestyle, wasting away my resources gradually. Therefore, things started to change, my vast wealth and glory started fading away gradually.

The moment things started to change for me, most of those who have come to pitch their tents with me started leaving one after the other. Left alone in my state of shame, I became so frustrated and ashamed of myself. As time went on, instead of pulling myself together and learning from my past mistake, I became so frustrated that I resorted to heavy drinking and smoking to help get over the psychological pain, thereby wasting more of my reserved resources.

After spending several years in this state, I became a laughing stock to most of my siblings and other members of the extended family. Then, they started seeing me as a failure, and as someone who has lost his glory and has equally lost all hope.

As at that time, many of my siblings were already blessed, so they started seeing themselves as better than me, although some of them offered helping hands.

Then one day, I sat down and asked myself the question- 'What caused all this problem in my life?' After several days of rumination, I discovered that I am the cause of my own problem. Despite the fact that I tried to blame others for my predicament, my conscience did not stop telling me that I am my own problem.

Having discovered the cause and root of my problems, I started making plans on how to bring myself back to my former state of glory and affluence.

I called all my 7 children together and told them that we have to restore our lost glory. Regrettably, some of them put up a nonchalant attitude about the issue of restoring one lost glory, while others rose up to the challenge. Pitifully, things were not getting any better because not everyone is involved.

Have you actually wondered what my name is?


Here I have come again to call on you my children to let us join hands and restore our lost glory. If my name is Nigeria, then your surname is Nigeria. Wherever you go, no matter how far away from home, you can never lose your surname. Not even when you get married (as a lady), it only changes from surname to maiden name. My children, let's start seeing the need for us to build this family again and take our original place in the midst of my father's children (Africa). You cannot shy away from this responsibility because YOU ARE NIGERIA. I love you so much  and I dont want you to lose hope in me. All I need to rise up again is YOU!

Dear readers, there is no other home we have aside Nigeria. Nigeria is your identity, Nigeria is my identity. As a matter of fact, I am Nigeria.

We cannot just sit and act like nothing is wrong when almost everything is wrong with our dear nation. I want you to understand that a set of us is not enough to effect the change that we need. All hands must be on deck if we are to make this project work.

Remember, what Nigeria needs right now is not money, it's not peace, it's not liberty. All Nigeria needs right now is YOU. All you have to do is think of a way to effect a change in your locality today. Right a wrong around you and let us make Nigeria a giant once again.


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