Thursday 27 September 2012

Honest Taxi Driver Gets N2.5 million!

You remember the honest taxi driver who did the unbelievable by returning a forgotten sum of N18 million in his cab back in 2007 by a customer?

Umeh Usuah and his wife who did what others wouldnt normally do were earlier rewarded with a sum of N30,000 by the National Orientation Agency (NOA), which a lot of Nigerians felt was just too negligible to the amount he returned.

But Umeh Usuah who hails from Ubokudom in Akwa Ibom State has just been rewarded another sum of N2.5 million and an integrity award plaque about 5 years after he displayed an act of utmost honesty.

If you were in Umeh's shoes, what would you have done? How satisfied are you with the reward given to him?

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